
Below are some sample queries you can use to gather information from the Art Blocks contracts.

You can build your own queries using a GraphQL Explorer and enter your endpoint to limit the data to exactly what you need.

#Subgraph Querying Walkthrough

The following provides some examples of how to use the Art Blocks subgraph to perform a handful of common queries.

#Important Notes

  • Performance/indexing on the hosted subgraph service is oftentimes slower compared to the decentralized subgraph. That being said, the hosted subgraph is free while the decentralized one requires pay-per-query in GRT.
  • The Art Blocks subgraphs currently also index any PBAB (Powered by Artblocks) contracts, in addition to the core Art Blocks contracts. Please keep that in mind and make use of the contract_in filter to ensure you are working with Art Blocks data only, if that is your intention.
  • While querying against the mainnet subgraph if using the contract_in filter the Art Blocks contracts to restrict for are 0x059edd72cd353df5106d2b9cc5ab83a52287ac3a (for the V0 contract that supports projects 0-3) and 0xa7d8d9ef8d8ce8992df33d8b8cf4aebabd5bd270 (for the V1 contract that supports projects 4-current).
  • The Art Blocks contract to restrict for is 0xda62f67be7194775a75be91cbf9feedcc5776d4b on testnet.

#The Basics

Retrieving a specific Art Blocks project by short ID (no contract):

Network Contract Type Query
Mainnet Flagship
{ projects(where: {projectId: "0", contract_in: ["0x059edd72cd353df5106d2b9cc5ab83a52287ac3a","0xa7d8d9ef8d8ce8992df33d8b8cf4aebabd5bd270"] }) { id invocations artistName name } }
Mainnet Engine
{ projects(where: {projectId: "1", contract_in: ["0x0a1bbd57033f57e7b6743621b79fcb9eb2ce3676"]}) { id invocations artistName name } }
Testnet Flagship
{ projects(where: {projectId: "100", contract_in: ["0xda62f67be7194775a75be91cbf9feedcc5776d4b"]}) { id invocations artistName name } }
Testnet Engine
{ projects(where: {projectId: "1", contract_in: ["0x5503a3b96d845f33f135429ab18c03c79477b14f"]}) { id invocations artistName name } }

Retrieving a specific Art Blocks project by full ID (includes contract):

Network Contract Type Query
Mainnet Flagship
{ project(id:"0x059edd72cd353df5106d2b9cc5ab83a52287ac3a-0") { id invocations artistName name } }
Mainnet Engine
{ project(id:"0x0a1bbd57033f57e7b6743621b79fcb9eb2ce3676-1") { id invocations artistName name } }
Testnet Flagship
{ project(id:"0xda62f67be7194775a75be91cbf9feedcc5776d4b-100") { id invocations artistName name } }
Testnet Engine
{ project(id:"0x5503a3b96d845f33f135429ab18c03c79477b14f-1") { id invocations artistName name } }

Retrieving a specific Art Blocks token by short ID (no contract):

Network Contract Type Query
Mainnet Flagship
{ tokens(where: {tokenId: "0", contract_in: ["0x059edd72cd353df5106d2b9cc5ab83a52287ac3a", "0xa7d8d9ef8d8ce8992df33d8b8cf4aebabd5bd270"]}) { id tokenId } }
Mainnet Engine Requires full ID (includes contract)
Testnet Flagship
{ tokens(where: {tokenId: "10000000", contract_in: ["0xda62f67be7194775a75be91cbf9feedcc5776d4b"]}) { id tokenId } }
Testnet Engine Requires full ID (includes contract)

Retrieving a specific Art Blocks token by full ID (includes contract):

Network Contract Type Query
Mainnet Flagship
{ token(id: "0x059edd72cd353df5106d2b9cc5ab83a52287ac3a-0") { id tokenId } }
Mainnet Engine
{ token(id: "0x0a1bbd57033f57e7b6743621b79fcb9eb2ce3676-1000000") { id tokenId } }
Testnet Flagship
{ token(id: "0xda62f67be7194775a75be91cbf9feedcc5776d4b-10000000") { id tokenId } }
Testnet Engine
{ token(id: "0x5503a3b96d845f33f135429ab18c03c79477b14f-1000000") { id tokenId } }

#Beyond The Basics

Retrieve the last 5 most recently created projects across Art Blocks and Powered by Art Blocks (remember that you can use a contract_in filter to restrict this to only specific contracts):

{ projects(first: 5, orderBy: createdAt, orderDirection: desc) { id name artistName invocations maxInvocations } }

Retrieve the top 10 projects across Art Blocks and Powered by Art Blocks, based on # of invocations:

{ projects(first: 10, orderBy: invocations, orderDirection: desc) { id name artistName invocations maxInvocations } }

Retrieve the most recently minted Art Blocks token:

{ tokens( first: 1 orderBy: createdAt orderDirection: desc where: { contract_in: [ "0x059edd72cd353df5106d2b9cc5ab83a52287ac3a" "0xa7d8d9ef8d8ce8992df33d8b8cf4aebabd5bd270" ] } ) { id hash owner { id } project { name artistName } } }

Retrieve all tokens owned by a specific address, across Art Blocks and Powered by Art Blocks:

{ tokens(where: { owner: "<owner address>" }) { id } }

Retrieve the general metadata/status for the Art Blocks subgraph (useful for debugging):

{ _meta { hasIndexingErrors block { number hash } } }

Retrieve the project script for a given project id

{ project(id: "0x059edd72cd353df5106d2b9cc5ab83a52287ac3a-0") { script } }

Pagination should be used for large queries. The Graph enforces upper limits on first and skip parameters since they generally perform poorly when set to large values (limits as of 01/2022 are first<=1000 and skip<=5000). It is much better to page through entities based on an attribute such as token ID, block number, or some other parameter. For more information, see The Graph documentation

#Project info

  • Pull all projects and return their name, as well as lots of additional data:
{ projects( where: { contract_in: [ "0x059edd72cd353df5106d2b9cc5ab83a52287ac3a" "0xa7d8d9ef8d8ce8992df33d8b8cf4aebabd5bd270" ] } first: 500 ) { projectId name invocations artistName } }
  • Get all the wallet owners of a project (Replace PROJECT with the project name you are looking for)
{ projects(where: { name: "PROJECT" }) { id artistAddress additionalPayee } }
  • If you're looking for the addresses of anyone that owns a mint from a project
{ projects(where: { name: "PROJECT" }) { owners { id count } } }
  • Get that txnhash for squiggle 0, you could run the following query on the AB subgraph playground
{ tokens( where: { tokenId: "0" contract: "0x059edd72cd353df5106d2b9cc5ab83a52287ac3a" } ) { id tokenId transactionHash project { name } } }