# Manual Admin Operations

Some rarely used admin operations are not available in the Art Blocks Creator Dashboard. These operations are available via direct interaction with the contract via a service such as Etherscan or Gnosis Safe's Transaction Builder.

A few manual admin operations are detailed below.

# Update provider secondary royalties payment addresses or basis points

Note: this describes the process for updating provider secondary royalty information - artist updates are handled within the Art Blocks Creator Dashboard.

For all V3 contracts, the contract admin can update the provider secondary royalties payment addresses or basis points by calling any of the following functions on the contract:

  • function updateProviderSalesAddresses
  • function updateProviderPrimarySalesPercentages
  • function updateProviderSecondarySalesBPS or function updateProviderDefaultSecondarySalesBPS (depending on minor version)

For v3.2+ contracts (deployed after May 2024), the contract admin must also propagate the contract-level changes to every project in the contract by calling the following function on the contract for each project:

  • syncProviderSecondaryForProjectToDefaults(uint256 projectId)

Note: The additional step of syncing provider secondary royalties to defaults was added in v3.2 to enable conformance to the ERC-2981 royalty info standard while remaining scalable within ethereum's block gas limit.