# Overview of V3 Core Contract

The Art Blocks V3 Core Contract allows Art Blocks Curated artists, Studio artists, and Engine partners to create generative art projects on the blockchain. The contract is a shared contract that allows for multiple projects to be created and managed by different artists and creators. The V3 Core Contract is designed to be flexible and extensible, allowing for a wide range of generative art projects to be created.

# Variants

The V3 Core Contract comes in two variants:

  • V3 Engine
  • V3 Engine Flex

Both of these implementations are available for use by Art Blocks Studio artists and Engine partners.

The V3 Engine contract offers the same functionality as the original Art Blocks contract, with an artist's script being fully defined only on the blockchain. The V3 Engine Flex extends the ways artists may store additional metadata, with options of using re-usable on-chain assets, using decentralized storage networks such as IPFS or Arweave, or pointing to assets defined on the Art Blocks Dependency Registry (some of which are fully defined on-chain, some of which are defined on preferred CDN services).

For more discussion about different NFT metadata storage mechanisms, see the NFT Metadata Storage at Art Blocks page.